(no subject)

Oct 16, 2004 11:32


Name: Carly

Birth date: January 27th, 1987

Birthplace: San Antonio, Texas

Current Location: West Bloomfield

Eye Color: Blueish Grey

Hair Color: blonde

Height: 5'1ish

Righty or Lefty: Righty

Zodiac Sign: Aquarious

Siblings, Names and Age: David, 16 and Michael, 26

Parents Names: Teri and Wayne


Your heritage: jewish american (i think)

The shoes you wore today: sketcher slipons

Your fears: i dunno

Your perfect pizza: no sauce!

Goal you'd like to achieve: finally graduate from stupid wbhs


Your most overused phrase on AIM: hehe

Your thoughts first waking up: zack comes home in #(61) days!!!!

Your best physical feature: i dont know but ive been told my boobs

Your bedtime: whenever

Your most missed memory: recess time at school


Pepsi or Coke: Coke

McDonald's or Burger King: BK

Single or group dates (sex): uh...

Adidas or Nike: Nike

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea

Chocolate or vanilla: it depends on what it is!

Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino


Smoke: on occasion

Cuss: duh!

Sing: i used to but now i limit it to singin to the radio

Take a shower everyday: what do YOU think>?

Have a crush(es): yes

Do you think you've been in love: Yes

Want to go to college: i will be there in the fall

Like(d) high school: school sucks!

Want to get married: eventually, but not to anyone in the near future

believe in yourself: sometimes

Get motion sickness: does carsick count?

Think you're attractive: not really

Think you're a health freak: never in a million years!

Get along with your parent(s): sometimes

Like thunderstorms: sometimes


In the past month...

Done a drug: does alcohol count?

Made Out: def!

Gone on a date: yup

Gone to the mall: does the parking lot count?

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope

Eaten sushi: last week with davey!!!!

Been on stage: nope!

Been dumped: nope

Gone skating: me skate?

Made homemade cookies: not since last yr!

Gone skinny dipping: the water would be wayyy to coolddd

Dyed your hair: nope

Stolen anything: not that i am aware of



Played a game that required removal of clothing: hehe!wouldnt you like to know~

Been caught "doing something": yes but i could care less

Been called a tease: definately in guys vocab

Gotten beaten up: neva

Shoplifted: nope

Changed who you were to fit in: it depends on what you mean change, if its buying the fashionable clothes then yes if its changing me personally no


Age you hope to be married: 23/24

Numbers and Names of Children: i want 3 kids but i dunno names

Describe your Dream Wedding: everything with white gausy fabric and chrismas lights interwined with white and pink roses!

How do you want to die: painlessly

Where you want to go to college: either grand valley or western

What do you want to be when you grow up: either a nurse or a teacher

What country would you most like to visit: either europe or austrailia

What do you look for in a guy/girl : i look for personality above looks, i look for someone who is smart, gentlemanly, funny, and knows how to treat me well...looks can help though!

Best eye color?: blue(like Zacks!)

Best hair color?: i could care less but i tend to lean towards blondes!

Best height?: i dont care as long as hes taller than me!

Best weight?: not a consideration

Best articles of clothing?: BOXERS!

Best first date location: Starbucks

Best first kiss location: the unexpected ones!!!


Number of drugs taken illegally: 1

Number of people I could trust with my life: a few people

Number of CDs that I own: like 150ish

Number of piercings: 5

Number of tattoos: 0

Number of times name has appeared in the newspaper?: a lot....i never rreally thought about it

Number of scars on body: a few

Number of things in my past that I regret: a couple but they are sporatic things that i learned from
I think that on top of all the randomness in my life its gonna be complete chaos when zack comes home but i so cannot wait for that overdued embrace of his that is so comforting... on a completely diff note....i had my first saturday school/detention ever and it was sooo boring i dont know how people can stand getting in trouble like that so often! the parentals are making me go with them to lunch and then we are going to order my senior pics. i leave for babysitting a baby under a year old at like 5 so i so cant wait!kisses to all n give me a holler my cell is open!
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