Aug 01, 2002 09:28
first off, thanks everyone who commented. you guys are great and i didn't know so many people cared. ;] i <3 u guys ;D
anyways! hehe i haven't worte here in awhile so i'll just do a little recap.
first off, who saw austin powers? i saw it ontuesday and i was that impressed. i was actually kinda disapointed. the other 2 austin powers were so good and mike myers is awesome but goldmember just wasn't that great, eeek. anyways, we saw that and then walked around the mall a lil. it was cool.
yesterday was a draining day for me because it was full of fighting and crying and crap like that. my mom kept on getitng into huge arguments wiuth me and she was saying really mean things to me and it made me really upset and stuff. eventually she apologized and we're good now, but i cried a lot and i was really tired later that day. at 6:30, roxanne and her boyfriend mark came over to pick me uop and we went to see our friend laura in the musical "the sound of music". it was pretty well done. i liked it but it was really long. 2 and a half hours to be exact. lol. everytime i go to see a play at that theatre u get sad cuz i think of the play i was in almost a year ago. it was so much fun and such a great experience. i miss all the friends i made. eventually i'd like to do another play, but most of the plays that they're doing for next year don't interest me. and i don't do musicals. lol. oh well. we'l;l see what happens.
today at practice, sarah(one of captains)decided once again not to show up to pactice, and since our other captian is at nationals competing for miss dance of the united states, we were kinda left on our own. 2 of the dances weren't ifnished so we fnished one and totally redid the other. we decided just to use one of the dances from tryouts because everybody knows it and stuff. so if sarah has a problem them she can just... stuff it. lol. on monday we start practice at 8 insted of 6 in the morning. yay! and we'rew going to get our uniforms for camp, not our real uniforms but just the ones we're wearing for camp.
i'm r eally kinda upset because tomororw i have to work and i won't be able to go to my best friend's birthday party. you know who you are stinky. dahaha. it makes me really annopyed and sad that i camn't go, but tara i'll clal you later and we'll talk. i was thinking maybe we could still do something on saturday instead cuz i think that would be alright. so yeah.. we'll talk soon. h and sorry about yesterday. my mom just said crappy things to me.
wel i'm gonna go now. i <3 you guys cuz ur awesome! hehe and i'll ttyl.