All of the Detroit Animal Control (DAC) animals are slated for euthanasia on Dec. 17, unless area rescue groups can pull them. The devastating news came today from DAC employee Patrice Reed. As you may have heard in recent media reports, in an attempt to save money, the city is cutting "non-essential" city services for certain blocks of time. Animal control in the city is considered a "non-essential" city service. Detroit Animal Control will completely close down for the last two weeks of December, starting Dec. 17. DAC has beautiful cats, dogs, kittens and puppies. If you or anyone you know is in a position to pull animals from the facility,please do so. This is beyond an urgent situation. We have two separate volunteer lists, so please forgive any duplication of this message. If you have any questions, please contact.Thank you,
Amy Wettlaufer
Network Manager
Michigan Animal Adoption Network
PO Box 20523
Ferndale, MI 48220
Off: 248.545.5055
Primary web site: Adoptable animals on the web: