Mar 14, 2006 22:59
It was my turn to check the review mail's inbox and look at the 2 new reviews we got:
Name: why should i tell ya me name
Fanfic Name and Chapter Number: all 21 chapters
Review: u sik twisted muthafucka i should god damn kill ya jesus why is
everyone obsessed with gay god damn pairingsam i the only fuckin straight person
on the internet why couldnt ya jus pair up yuna/tidus or wakka/lulu or why not
even auron/rikku fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck and fuck ya on yer god damn hurray im
finished it wuz a load of shit and by the way i am only 13 and i make 200$ a
week on ma roll as striper/gigolo so dere an by the way have any of you actually
had sex i have and i am bored of it or have ya jus watched tv
Name: dunno
Fanfic Name and Chapter Number: the hole lot
Review: more gay crap
Hooray for fucking morons who don't know how to use Google! *laugh*. I would say this troll is in denial about their sexuality since Poison Ink can basically only be found if you're searching for yaoi, but their "I'm a 13 year old gigolo/stripper" rant gave them away as just a plain ol' fucking stupid troll.