
May 05, 2004 08:43

There has been so much going on recently that i have barely had time to gather my thoughts in my head, never mind get to a point where i could write them all down! I have coursework deadlines to meet, lists of things to do before moving out of the flat in 6 - 7 weeks, and mostly spending time trying not to worry about what is going to go wrong.

To add to the frenzied state i am in, i returned from my holiday to find that i had miscalculated the hand in date for this semesters papers!

However, to give me a kind of break from the coursework, i have agreed to do some research work for one of the professors at uni (hence use of the internet at the library!). It means i can have a break but remain in my 'studying-head', and get paid a bit for it, which will go a little way to easing the potentional money 'situation' that being unemployed could leave me in!

uni, busy, money-woe

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