Oct 10, 2007 13:16
I struggled through the first couple of hours at work today, being quite tired and the sore throat persisting. However, it's got easier as the day has gone by, with help from lovely emails from Cat and P. The fact I'm not currently laden down with work also helps, as it has meant I can just take my time over the things I need to get done. I think i'm almost fully awake now :)
I'm missing P a lot still, but we have talked about plans for the next few weekends and having things to look forward to takes my mind off the fact that parting from him is so hard. I am determined not to let Virgin's extended maintenance work on the line between Crewe and Liverpool prevent us from seeing each other also, and though the journey back from London on Sundays for the foreseeable future is going to be a bit of a slog, I'm still going to do it. I think the fact we enjoy our time together so much is what prompts me to be so upset when we have to be apart again. I'm finding that though i'm still really sad at the moment of having to leave him, over time i'm managing to bring that sadness under control much quicker and get on with looking forwards instead of back.
Now I just need to get back into my routine! Its amazing how you can do the same thing week-in week-out for ages, and then a one-off alteration to that for 2 days can throw you out completely.
The only other news is that after having said one thing last week, it appears that the staffing levels over Christmas are not as straightforward as they first appeared and that we aren't to see our preferences as secure yet after all. This is a bit of a pain because I wanted to book my train tickets asap and the person organising this seems to be in no hurry to let us know which days are problematic and what needs to be covered or by who. It's so frustrating!