
May 28, 2002 15:07

I've got up really early this morning. So now i have nothing to do until my driving lesson. I'm a bit more nervous than i expected, but at least i'll have an instuctor with me to be nervous with!

The presence of the beetle in the bathroom scared Ali in the middle of the night too, so i now know that i wasn't seeing things while i was tired. I phoned K at about midnight to tell him about the beetle, but i don't think that he was too concerned about it. He didn't get that it might have crawled on me in the night, and that this worried me. He just said that they don't eat people, and that i probably scared it more. Hmph! Me and Ali reckon that people don't credit beetles with the brains that they actually have, and therein lies their power. One day beetles will take over the world!!!

That looked like it was becoming a rant didn't it?

Ca may come around this afternoon with his computer. We're going to put all Ali's MP3's on to his laptop, so that at the party we have a nice mix of rock and cheese, to keep my friends and Ali's friends happy! Ca is going to run his laptop through the big telly, he has this visualisation programme which makes patterns in different colours as it reacts to the music. We thought it would be fun to have in the background to liven up the living room!

Its just a shame F has to be there... but i'm not gonna let it spoil my night. No sir!

Anyhow. Gonna get a coffee and try calling my dad before i have to go out. There may be some relaxing morning telly i can watch.


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