
Jul 31, 2005 11:21

This weekend has flown by. It only feels as if it was minutes ago that I was walking out of Sainsbury's having just finished my Friday shift, looking forward to seeing Alan that evening. Now its Sunday night. Where did the weekend go?

I'm working tomorrow as well. Only a 5pm-9pm short shift. I know I said to myself that I wouldn't do any overtime this week, but when the sheet came around on Friday, I figured that an extra 4 hours wouldn't really be so bad, and besides I may as well have the money while I can get it.

This is, of course, assuming I see most of this money! I paid emergency tax on the first wages as they had not located my tax code. I wasn't too annoyed, as it was only wages for 2 days of work, and it should have meant that by the time the next pay day comes, which is in about 2 weeks, the tax code would be sorted so my 'real' wages wouldn't be affected. However, I've had a letter from the Inland Revenue asking for my employment details for the past 18 months, so I'm not sure that everything will necessarily be sorted out in that time. I truly hope it is though, because I wanted to be able to pay back what I took out of my savings for the new computer by putting all of the first proper pay into the savings account. I shan't be pleased if half of my earnings have been taken away in 'emergency' tax. Not when they've had 6 weeks to sort it out. I'll phone my employer's tax hotline people as well i think, just to be sure of the situation.



Though writing it like that gives the impression that i'm more excited than nervous. And even 'nervous' is an understatement. I feel sick i'm so worried.

I've just been speaking to Laura, another person waiting for tomorrow's results - she seems nervous, but only as much as she ever was, the wait doesn't seem to have made things worse for her. But we all know what i'm llike about not knowing things.

I really can't bear the thought that I might have failed something. That, and i really don't want to have to go back to college again throughout August to do re-sits. My thoughts on the whole 'results' subject are so mixed up that I can't properly relate how its making me feel.

Please don't let me be disappointed tomorrow.


Molly has been missing for over a week now :(

pets, weekend, nervous, checkout-girl, exams, money-woe

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