Mar 28, 2004 15:40
i like the backstreet boys..rnt they sexy..i noe who likes them..well at lest u to..but i wont say ur not sopposed to noe u like them..LIKED..
ok so jennie is not jennie sider jennie marciano..shes the coolest person...we went for a nice walk and saw pringles...i almost killed a piggeon..jennie lost the pringles yesterday..n we found n saved them...YAY..mitzvah #1((im such a good jew))
wut else did we do..
almost forgot we sat...and we r still sitting..and sat some more...and we will sit lataeer..
we watched gula gula is land
its not island its is land
ok so we already noe we r go away..oh yee another club we went from the cool club to the weird club..we should also have a random club..and forgetfulness club...
this one time i was at this place..uhh...look at butterfly..lets go catch it
-d o o n e y