No more tooth pain!!.and a gory tale

Oct 11, 2009 11:44


i finally had the dental appointment - the "biggie". to be honest i was on te opne hand looking forward to it, and on the other i was pretty scared! its more the *thought* of whats going to happen - im ok with the filling, it was the extraction that id never experienced.

so, after a load of injections (afterwards my nose and even the bottom of my eyelids were numb!, the dentist drilled and filled the cracked molar on the one side and then went for hte extraction on the other.

wanting to experience it all, and to face my fears, i watched as he approached with...pliers. the extraction itself was a very interesing experience (although id not want it repeated!) he pushed, then pulled, then twisted the tooth slightly... repeated a few times, and... all the sounds that i had imagined it would make actually happened. there were creaks and crunches and a really weird "cracking" sound as the tooth finaly started to break free from its "moorings".

best thing is that i asked to keep the tooth. i say "asked" he was discretely hiding it when he took it out, but i held out my hand and nodded... he showed it to me in all its gruesome glory (it had bits of "flesh" and blood on it).. all i could say (slur)was "cool!"

thing is that nobody told me how much the gum-hole would bleed!!! i bit on the gauze for the alloted 10 mins, longer cos i drove home. once home i took out the gauze and spat in to the pan. there was a LOT of blood. several spittings later told me that it was flowing freely and copiously, so i got the other gauze and bit down.

have to admit that when i got into the lounge, i suddenly thought i was going to faint. i was surprised, but got a pillow and lay down on the floor for a few mins while the feeling passed.

it was probably a silly thing to do, but two hours later, and still spitting blood, i went to work to do my overtime. by the time i had driven to work, i had literally half a mouthful of blood and saliva! i realised that the gauze wasnt fully over the gum-hole, so once that was rectified things got easier and the hole finally clotted over.

so now, three days later i am starting to eat a bit more solid stuff (on the filling side, not the hole side). my mouth/jaw/gum only feel "Post dentalwork sore" and it is SUCH a relief not to feel sick with toothpain!!

lol and i still have the extracted tooth in a little baggie, still covered in gore :D
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