[[The time is early dawn, when most people would still be asleep, yet Elena is up and awake.]]
Um, hello? I can't sleep. Any insomniacs out there feel like a chat?
Uh, okay, that sounded a bit silly. It's just that I had....well it wasn't really a dream, I think. I'm not some kid that gets scared after having harmless nightmares. It was -- I don't know -- post-traumatic stress disorder from Meteorfall, perhaps? I'm not going crazy though. I just....
...I just can't get the images out of my head. Just standing there, watching the world end, knowing you're the only person left...
...Being all alone.
A long silence.
Y'know, this place is actually kind of creepy at this time in the morning. When everyone's asleep it seems like there are no other humans around. At least the birds will start singing soon, so I know the world will still be here when the sun rises. There are birds here, right? I never really paid much attention before.
Elena gives a heavy sigh.
Well, if I can't sleep, I might as well do some work.
I'm sorry Sir, but I'm not having any luck with Erielle. This woman is one tough cookie! She didn't fall for the dumb blonde routine at all, and she seems highly suspicious and mistrustful of strangers. Maybe I should of tried the secretary sthtick first, then the girly routine...oh I don't know! I know it's a big ask, but I don't suppose anybody has a psyche profile of her?