Aug 31, 2004 22:15
Today was Savannah's birthday..what a youngin lol...I brought her in some balloons even though she didn't carry them around all day!..Hope it was a good one was pretty class ever haha scrapbooking on party nights? Jess/savannie..English AP-boring as ever, World History AP-double boring but fun and Math-psh what a breeze...oh gosh...mark you crack me cool mother oh gosh..well then after school maddie and I ran around my neighborhood..getting pumped up for the swim team then I went to concord mills w/ kristi to take pictures for a photo project and yeah security guy told us to stop...It was "illegal" or what nonsense screw people..well lets just say me and kristi had a good road trip today..from the grave yard, to the church with me driving off the road and text message someone at the same time...pretending to do a "Jackie" won't ever live that down girl..well my dad was in such a great mood was my mom..she drank a whole beer and thats something new for was so weird..they were actually both nice at the same time..well i'm excited about this weekend..matt is coming home friday night for labor day and i'm assuming for my birthday saturday..can't wait to see Alexa at the game friday night...and def can't wait for the party saturday night...savannah--it's almost over lol..and then up to the lake sunday w/ our boat..well i'm going to get some sleep..def need it for that stupid alarm clock to go off at 5:15...night..oh yeah thanks Chris for making up that story in English about me and my taco? i'm glad raina knew I wouldn't do something nasty like that...oh yeah...i like your jewish shoes haha