Greetings from down south!

May 06, 2008 01:23

Hey all you northerners! Hirakoba Rin here!
Since I'm not about to fly up to Tokyo everytime I want to see how the other schools are doing, I suppose internet is a much better alternative.

So I accidentally fell asleep at the beach again today. Thankfully the storms are holding off, so it's still nice and sunny.
'Thankfully' isn't the word I should be using. My back now looks like a freshly-boiled lobster. You would think getting burnt over and over again would be enough to ward off it happening again.
And I'm almost out of Aloe gel. Used most of the bottle up the last time I fell asleep at the beach.
The sun faded my swim trunks a little, too. I'll probably go buy some new ones tomorrow. (And that shirt I've had my eye on. Want it!)


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