Feb 08, 2005 10:36
hey wassa evry1...
hows was ya winter break?¿?
mine was awesome i loved it...
i went to pennsicola and it was kinda cold up there
but it was nice i got to see mah baby cousin
that i haven't seen ever in mah lyf and mah cousin that is now in her 2nd to last year of college and i haven't
seen her since god kno's wen but anywhoz!! i kinda not happy that im back in skool i kinda lyk wanna go bac home!!! that would be nice if we can jus have a few more days off i would love that!! yeh i was gettin so used to stayin home goin to the pool hangin wit mah friends goin to the mall evryday stayin up late goin out to eat witmah friends yeh i would to do that sum more.. but theres alwayz spring break! have to go look for a job soon i need some money im broke... i don't even have a penny and that sux! lol.. yeh well g2g peace out luv yaz
xoxo JoRdYnE xoxo