I'll show you mine... if you show me yours first...

Aug 15, 2005 23:14

AHHH it’s SO nice to be back from Florida. I feel like I’ve

Missed \out on SOOO MUCH. Which I definitely have, but

oh well, I’m over it.  I had the best welcome back though!

So that was nice.

Aww, today since the boy went home last night after we

went to the movies, I drove out to his house and hung

out there for a long while.  Just watched a few movies and

then he took me to get something to eat at Leo’s, -mmm-

it was so good!  Ha, then we walked around the little plaza

thing holdin hands while he smoked his cigg. Ha! It was fun =)

Well, Well, Well -

*NoThIn BuT sMiLeS*

That’s for sure.

Ahhhhhh -wow- TOTALLY

C  R  A  Z  Y  about [HiM]

I like it, I like it a lot  =)

Always a good time with him -

Whether were out to eat,

at the movies,

laying around,

watching TV…

a n y t h i n g!

[Faithful, afftectionate, gorgeous, funny, caring, confident (VERY =]),

sensitive, althetic, spontaneous, intelligent, strong, nice body, outgoing,

& & & SO much more... what more can ya ask for?]

_ y o u  a m a z e  m e _

What is sexy? Sexy is standing in the rain as you push

me up against the hood of your car, tearing my shirt,

as you kiss me with the intent to never stop.

What is cute? Cute is young and inexperienced.

Cute is holding hands in the car and kissing at the red lights.

What is passion? Passion is knowing what you want

and stopping at nothing until you get it.

What is beautiful? Beautiful is all about the inside of a person.

Beauty can only be found in the heart,

passion is putting your heart in what you do.

What is love? Love is the amazing balance of all these things,

in your mind, heart, body and soul.

…yeah I just thought that was cute
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