Mar 03, 2005 23:15
I've been thinking a lot lately how I am such a loser. I'm 20 years old working at Publix not going to school, (like I've said so many times that I was going), No car, basically no life, and hating people more and more each day. Working with people all day really sucks. And I get paid pretty good, but I found out today that some guy that hasnt been there as long as I am gets paid more than me. And I remembered last time I got evaluated I only got a quater raise. That really sucks. That makes me not want to go back to that shit hole. My grocery manager who is a real asshole just quit and now I'm thinking about going back to grocery. I dunno yet. I guess we'll see. Well, I leave tomorrow at 9am. I'm going to my mom's house. I'm excited. I like going over there but I hate staying long because its really boring and I start missing Jimmy real bad. Me and Jimmy are really good(and I got my period lisa hehe). lol talk to you kiddies later.