the Brand/Ross affair

Oct 29, 2008 22:03

Things that aren't getting much publicity in the ridiculous political and media hysteria...

1) Only TWO people complained after the programme was originally aired.  TWO.    Then once the media circus started, 18,000 did.  How many of them have actually listened to what was broadcast?  Less than two, I'm willing to bet.

2)    People who are ringing up the BBC complaints line are mostly over 40.  90% of texts to Radio One, however, are supportive of Brand and Ross in one way or other.

3) The segment was actually pretty funny.     Personally offensive yes - although that surely wasn't the first time the media has been personally offensive about anyone-  and I'd agree Brand and Ross have egos the size of a house.  But funny.

4) the first person Georgina Baillie called when this kicked off? Lawyer?  No.  Max Clifford?  Yes.

What all this adds up to is this.    Yes the BBC didn't follow proper procedures in getting permission from Sachs to broadcast the tapes.   If that had a been a proper conversation this would all have turned out very differently.   They would have been able to ascertain whether he found them funny or offensive.     So slag off the BBC's process if you like.

But spare me this guff from people whose idea of what the BBC should be is Blue Peter, Songs of Praise, the Antiques Roadshow and maybe a costume drama or two that this was poor quality programming, and that we need some kind of government censor to ensure (their definition of) Public Service Is Being Upheld.    The BBC needs to cater for everyone, and that includes people under 25.  If you don't like the Russell Brand show, don't listen.

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