Jan 15, 2005 23:31
ok recent movies i've seen for the first time and i'll let ya know if i liked it or not...........
FIRST DAUGHTER: looooved it because i looove katie holmes and thinks she is the most adorable thing ever and i wish i could be her friend, i honestly think we'd get along, oh if only *sigh* i actually liked it better than the one with mandy moore although i adore mandy moore
SLEEPOVER: well for a lil' girly kid movie, it wasn't half bad, i don't think i could watch it too many times, actually once was enough so it wasn't that bad
WIMBLEDON: adorable, ok so i'm biased because i love kirsten dunst, i have loved this woman since i saw her in jumangi, hehe such an old movie but a good one at that, anyway i thought it was such a cute cute movie and it was awesome that the sport i play was the main feature, great job
JERSEY GIRL: ok maybe i'm too nice or something but honestly why did this movie flop in the box office? because i ABSOLUTELY adored it, true i'm a sucker for lil' kids, especially adorable little girls, but i loved it and i'm not a big ben affleck fan and i still loved it, hmmm...i dunno
DIRTY DANCING...HAVANA NIGHTS: loved it, i made my nieces watch it with me today, they are 8 and 9, don't worry i fast forwarded it during the love making which was quick i might add, i lied and said i didn't want them to see them making out, *sigh* but they are mature and knew right away what was going on, oh well i did my best, but i adore the movie, i showed it to the nieces because their dad's side of the family is from cuba and they are very interested in that, they actually really loved it and so do i, i love dancing so there is the bias, but still it was cute, sweet, and simple...looooved it
DEAD MAN ON CAMPUS: funny stuff man is all i can say...funny stuff
RAISE YOUR VOICE: ok so i adore hilary duff, once again there is my bias perhaps, but a movie with singing and hilary duff and john ritter's son jason and i will fall in love, i really adore it and cried within the first 10 minutes and didn't seem to stop throughout the rest of the movie, but it was sooo sweet and wonderful *sigh* it was just loverly
and i saved this one for last.......
PERFECT SCORE: ok so it has one of the OTH hotties on it, Bryan Greenberg who is ridiculously skinny now, starring in it, but i thought the storyline and plot were unbelievable and booooring, oh my gosh, i coudln't even sit still and watch it, sure i'm ADD but it stilled sucked major monkey butt, it was boring, dull, and while it was funny at some parts, the fact that i fast forwarded it until the end tells me something, not very good at all
geez a lot of posts in one night but i missed you LJ *hugs tightly* don't ever disappear from me for that long ever again, the one time i have so much time and things to share, it goes down, *gah* don't do it again!
night people, i think...ok no more dr.pepper for me late at night, the sugar gets me acting like a goober