good day :)

Jan 20, 2005 21:42

Well if you didnt know already.. today was my bday :) okay recap of the day w. pics

got up and got ready.. and let me tell you.. all decked out in pink! haha-
went to school and when i was in the library i saw camila and she wished me a happy bday and she told me angela was looking for me and that she was in the cafetira.. so we went back in there.. and when i got back angela got me a balloon! it said 16th birthday on it :) so i carried it around all day
- then that morn. i saw alex and she gave me a birthday present :)) she got me the cutest jewlery! she got me 3 pairs of earrings, a necklace and a braclet :)
- then came home after a great day of school and we all went to bob evans and had supper.. super funn <3
- then after we ate we went to wal*mart and i got some shimmer for your face and some  deodorant and shampoo..

- then came home and angela called and was like whats up and i was like i am gettin ready to blow out my candles and i was like do you wanna come? so she came over.. and she sang happy bday to me .. haha we tried to get her with the whoopy cussion.. here are some pics of it :

 my cake my grandma made me :) it was wonderfull !

  me and angela.. haha theres the balloon she bought me :) i love her!

- then after my lil party we all went back to angleas and watched "napoleon dynamite" woo i love that movie!

- then juli came over and got me a present! she got me the cutest shirt and a colombian phonebook directory!! i love it and she made me the sweetest letter <3

well thats it! haha sorry so long !!
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