May 17, 2004 21:36
I feel like im sad. but i know i shouldnt be sad about anything...i guess i feel like im not special to anyone. i dont know why. I know the friends i have NOW are true friends and actually care about me. You gotta love them. now im just rambling sorry had to get it out.
anyways i got a new car. YAY! '04 "bright silver" Jeep Grand Cherokee "Freedom Edition" yea thats right bitch. ok that also had to come out. but i got in my old car to clean it out and do a car transfer. and i was thinking about all the fun fun times that little 1995 shitty Jeep has seen. Near death plenty of times. The police. MEDIAN! Off roading. My dumbass getting stuck. The duct tape that i had to rip off when i got pulled over because Meghan wrote "I love CRACK!" all over it. Me almost killing all of us on the way to the beach that one day because Richard picked the 3 hour route and swore it was the quickest way. LIAR. birthday is next wednesday. there better be some kick ass party going on or im going to be a little upset. For those of you who are going Dinner is on SATURDAY THE 22nd. because my grandparents are leaving me on my birthday.
On to last was fun...Elm street party too much. thats all i have to say. the gangster folk came with their guns and started shooting/masing/samuri swording/batting/tazering (not all at once) who sprays mase where the kegs are. NOT COOL. i coughed a lot. but dont you worry i took care of that with some beer. oh yea and there were some bitch fights that was cool.
i get a new alarm system on my car tomorrow. thats right you thieving bastards. HA! we are all getting them!
welp off to bed.
and everyone in the drama....fuck it all...get wasted!
Love Always,