Re: IM SRY!!!dizzy_lizzy2May 27 2005, 02:25:16 UTC
Laura bora sora cora...thats all i got but what can i say im a rapper...its probably bc im black lol jk but i looove u and its completely retarded and u shouldnt b sad tomarrow is going to b fun. o and ur dad left me a message but i didnt listen to it until now. SRY at least ur home i guess
Hey, is me, Dani.j_wee16999May 27 2005, 02:45:31 UTC
LAURA!!! You're great, you know it!!!... Dorians gay!... and liz yes you are black... LIZ always = BLACK!... haha... but Laura keep your head up, Dorian probably wont even be coach next year, and all of this is gay, because we all hate Dorian.
Re: Hey, is me, Dani.polka_dottieMay 27 2005, 14:02:32 UTC
yes! It is extrememly gay! What kind of lardbutt pulls up like 10 girls just to sit the bench? HELLO? Can you say RETARTED? Say it with me now Lauralie. (RE-TAR TED) Good. Now that you have gotten this outta of your system you will have a fun-filled holiday weekend. :) I louve you Lauralie. All will be swell soon. <3333
Re: Hey, is me, Dani.i_eat_penguinMay 27 2005, 18:04:46 UTC
lol I love how Dani uses correct english. Juel has gone to your head Dani. Its a good thing she cant see whats in there though :-P Laura. I love you. And your soccer skills rock. No matter what the hell Dorian says. Because ... its Dorian. And your Laura. You can take my spot. Because you run a lot and dont get tired. Damnit. And you have really good moves. So there. : ) I wuv you
Laura. I love you. And your soccer skills rock. No matter what the hell Dorian says. Because ... its Dorian. And your Laura. You can take my spot. Because you run a lot and dont get tired. Damnit. And you have really good moves.
So there.
: )
I wuv you
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