Apr 27, 2006 19:00
Today I turned 22 years old!!
And I celebrated it by taking a long exan in nikud at Bar Ilan. Yay, fun! Unforgettable.
I was so busy studying for the test that I didn't have time to do a cheshbon nefesh... Maybe later.
And here's something weird -- once my birthday began, I couldn't wait for it to end. I don't know why. Oh, maybe because I felt- ok, I'm a year older, whoop-dee-do, let's move on.
(Woah, I'm not usually cynical like that!)
It's actually a good opportunity to thank Hashem for everything I have, so thanks, Hashem! For everything! You are so good to me! Please watch over me and all of Am Yisrael because you're the only one we can lean on. (Sorry, Nehama, it's my birthday, so I'm allowed to have a dosi attack :) ....)