Jounouchi Katsuya's RP Info for Star Kingdom

Nov 11, 2011 18:41

Player info
Your Name: Helena
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever: (add it for my AIM)
Livejournal: hellenas
Your age: 22

Character info
Series/Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Character's Name: Jounouchi Katsuya
Character's Sex: Male
Character's Age: 16
Canon point: After Grand Championship (Season Five)

Fighting and general strength: To be in a gang requires one notable ability- strength. And Katsuya, who is rather thin on the looks, can pack a well aimed punch just in the right place.

Duel Monsters: He started out as nobody, fought his way through the ranks, fighting all kinds of opponents- from weak, to though and against those that cheated. He is 3rd ranked duelist in the world, right after Yuugi Motou and Kaiba Seto. They are the only ones Jounouchi lost the duel to.

Fortune: Lucky has been always Katsuya’s middle name. Whole building can collapse, but the part where he’s standing will still be upright. When playing Duel Monsters or simple card game he always pulls out cards that he needs, saving himself and winning. And when throwing dices he gets the number that he wants.

His strength comes from his confidence. And his confidence comes from the people that trust him. In dueling, though, he relies strongly on his luck, which is always on the impressive level. He has so called ‘the luck of the draw.’

Weaknesses: The only weakness in Duel Monsters he has is that his deck is not balanced. He has many cards with low level attack that are basically useless for the attack, and monsters with very high level attack that are hard to summon. He tries to cover up for that weakness with the lucky tosses of the dices and flipping coins. The strategy works most of the time, but not against experienced players like Kaiba Seto and Yugi Motou.

Background: Background 1 Background 2

Appearance: Picture 1

The first thing that you notice about Jounouchi Katsuya (after you recover from the shock that his blond hair is), is that most of the time he has smirk or teasing grin on his face. He is very confident person, believes in himself and decisions he makes. If his confidence is somehow swayed (mostly through teasing), he makes it up by arrogance. Most of the time this is his ‘poker face’ during the duels. He challenges you, pushes you and he can somewhat irritate you throughout the duel. But once the duel end he will always stretch out his hand to you and congratulate you on well played duel.

Katsuya is your typical teen- head held high and thinks he is best and that he knows everything about everything. He skips classes and goofs around, going to the arcade and playing games. He jokes a lot and loves to spend time with his friends and people that he generally loves being with. He is hotheaded, his tongue runs faster than his brain, which gets him into the trouble in 95% of the cases. It is very easy to pick a fight and argument with him- he gets all worked up and throws threats and swear words left and right. The first thing that comes to his mind is his opinion of you and it is very hard to change it. He hates being looked down at, because he looks equally at everyone. He is righteous and loves justice, and despises cheaters and bullies, even if he was one once. He doesn’t take anyone’s crap and threats and he protects those that can’t protect themselves.

At first Katsuya wasn’t what he is now. Before he met his friends, Katsuya was in the gang. He was cold and ruthless towards anyone and didn’t really give a damn about anyone around him. When his mother left with his sister, he thought that all people were the same- cold and emotionless , that they didn’t care about anyone but themselves. So he joined the gang and terrorized other people, as if he was attempting to show them that the people are not so good as they seem to be. With no exceptions.

Then he met his friends that stood up for him. They changed his views, which led into Jounouchi leaving the gang. Now he would and will do anything to protect them, even if that meant to die for them. He is supportive and loyal to the bone, very stubborn when it comes to questioning his relations with friends. He has very strong connection with his sister and he loves her more than anything in the World, even if they are separated and she lives in the other town. Basically- once you are his friend- you remain his friend forever, even if you don’t accept his friendship.

Jounouchi’s biggest strength is belief in his friends and belief in himself. He is loyal and supports his friends whenever it’s needed. His other strength comes from his love for his sister, which is an enormous push forward. The support from he gets is his confidence boost, making him truly believe that he can do the task at hand. Which always turns out to be true.

His biggest weakness is that he believes easily and makes friends even more easily. While he tries to prevent his friends from being tricked, he gets tricked in return. But once betraying his trust, it is really hard to return to Katsuya’s good waters.
His another weakness is that he is easily riled up and sometimes to the point that he wants to exchange fists with the person. He easily looses his cool which led him into trouble many times.

Action/Journal Sample:
[The confused face of Jounouchi Katsuya could be clearly seen through the device that he found few moments ago]

Does this thing works? [The devices recording frame was turned upside down as he shifted it to look better at it] I hope it does. Because I also hope it will tell me where I am. This place is completely deserted. I wonder if there is anyone else around.

[There is shuffling sound, indicating that Katsuya is moving]
This place doesn’t looks like Shadow Realm. I wonder where I am. [His face is again normally visible on the record, nose almost touching the glass] Is anyone in there? Hello? Sorry for interruptin’ you, but can you help me out here? I think I’m lost... I could use some help here. [Picture goes blurry due to obvious shaking]

RP Sample:
The room was dimly lit as he stepped in it. The sun was already setting, throwing red glow through the window, which was the only light at the moment.

Katsuya made his way to the window and opened it, taking a deep breath. It was and still is, the weirdest day in his life. He took off his jacket and threw it messily on the chair, stretching. He walked a lot... much more than when he ended up in the middle of the desert and didn’t know where to go. And that says something.

He plopped down on the bed, laying down and outstretching his hands on the either side of him. Without even sitting up, he kicked off his shoes, and somehow managed to take off the socks too. He really wished he had someone to talk to right now. He stared at the ceiling- he wondered what his friends were doing. He wondered what his little sister is doing as well. He didn’t see her in quite some time. He missed her. He missed all of them.

He shifted slightly so that his head reached pillow and turned to lie down on the side. The Sun had set but it was still slightly visible. He took out his wallet from the pant’s pocket and flipped it open. With a sigh, he stared at the picture of his sister. He placed the wallet on the side table, making it lean against the glass so that he can see the picture, and with small, sad smile, he closed his eyes.

Have you read the rules & F.A.Q.s?Of course! I didn’t realize that you didn’t know that Katsuya’s favorite ice cream is paopu.

star kingdom

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