Playing catch-up...

Jul 17, 2005 02:06

I have had a very good last few days! I have (resorting to a list here):

- Gotten my iPod fixed (replaced actually, but still a good thing)
- Pre-ordered VM and House on DVD
- changed my LJ layout to Flexible still working on the color scheme but I'm liking it...then gorgeous BSG banner is courtesy of sdwolfpup
- Splurged and bought several things at Pottery only shopping weakness
- seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my dad...fantastic! Loved it...Tim, Johnny, and Freddie rocked...but please, would someone get this Oompa-Loompa song outta my head??? PLEASE!
- washed my car...but then it rained :(
- gotten yelled at in the Mall parking lot by someone who said I'd taken her parking space which was totally an was a van pulling out and I couldn't see her on the other side (I did check to see if someone was waiting) so I pulled out and she stopped, rolled down her window, swore at me and then drove off. Nice. Made me really angry...I didn't even get to respond! I don't steal parking spots...ever. Yes, she is a stranger whom I will never see again, but I don't like it when people dislike me...heh...
- had an O.C. marathon with my friend who dropped by tonight...finished off Season 1...I am now addicted and cannot wait to get the DVD's of Season 2 which come out at the end of the summer...Peter Gallagher and Adam Brody are hilarious
- Had the best/weirdest dream involving Jon Stewart, the cast of the Daily Show AND the cast of The O.C.! Such an odd combo but made total sense in my dreamy state.

Things still to do:

- Write a cover letter for a job I'm applying for next's hard to find something better than where I am when I only have 3 years of University :(
- Finish beta-ing LW's story...I'm on it, hon, I have not forgotten you.
- Finish my icons/art for posting tomorrow at serenitysummer
- Finish essay for university course

Whew...I feel like I'm forgetting something...oh well, I'll remember it eventually. Sleep now.

*waves to her f-list*


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