Jul 27, 2005 21:47
Oh Em Gee.
Seriously I just got like 35hours of community service this past week. God. Literally. All I have is Jesus songs stuck in my head.
“When you wake up in the morning and you sit up in bed, and you open your eyes you sleepy head, here’s a little word that you can say to help you start your day….say JAMBO (jambo) it means HELLO (hello) TO JESUS (to Jesus) YOUR BEST FRIEND (your best friend) say jambo to Jesus every day, he listen when you pray.”
Ewe. Sick. Those songs are going to be stuck in my head forever.
The other night I hung with Kaitlin, since I haven’t seen her in like 23658997856 years. It was fun. Lol we stayed up till like 3 in the morning and we talked to Matt on the phone…? Why we don’t entirely know. But yea.
Last night i hung hanging with Brenna, since I haven’t seen her in 99kajillion years! It was interseting. She is a frickin tan loser. I hate it…. im like a frickin albino next to her. Lmfao. Kidding. We sat around bumming it. LMAO. Watch some movies gossiped, then off to bed. I had to work again in the morning. 11-5. God. I got sent home early last time. anyway. I need a better update but I will wait till the week is over. TTYAL!