Oct 05, 2005 16:25
Wow, so it's been about 10 years since i last updated...sry! life right now...hmmm i guess i cant complain. I've got great friends who care about me tons like Laura Lee and Abear. I love my job like whoa! School could be a lil better, i mean i'm making a's and b's so i'm not complaining. Although honestly i'm happy, at times i start to think about things and i get sad.
I miss having a boy in my life. I know that you shouldnt depend on a boyfriend to make you happy. You should be just as happy without one. Which i am, but it would be nice. I truly believe that things come to you when you least expect it. So i'll wait til then.
I've got a more positive out look on life right now. Who knows, maybe it's cuz i've been hanging out with laura lee a ton! And we all know what a happy person she is! i love her! I sure wish i could be as happy as her all the time! hmm...i'll look into that.
I evacuated for Rita...i went to Dallas. Had fun there! i went shopping and got starbucks every morning, which was GREAT! I went to Fort Worth to see my friend who evacuated too! Once i got home i got sick and that SUCKED more that you know!
Ok well that's all for now. Short entry, but it'll do.
Love you all
Kristen Alison