Blogspot Z: The Last Place to Go for News Sunday, March 28, 2010
They wanted to start the day with a virgin sacrifice, but Jensen no longer qualifies.
Breakfast was yet another huge disappoint from Creation. They gave us a continental breakfast, which amounted to fruit and muffins, if you were fast enough to get one. There weren’t any protein options for those individuals trying to eat healthier, and they didn’t even have milk as a choice of beverage. anya asked where the milk was and they actually suggested she pour herself a cup of coffee creamer to drink.
What the heck?!
Most people came out afterwards saying they could have brought snacks from their rooms and had a better breakfast.
Much like Zoolander, technology confounds Jared.
As usual, the first thing Jared did was break the mike stand. And, as usual, Jensen watched and mainlined coffee. Heh. Some things never change. The same baby that caused Jared all of the confusion last year had its gold ticket again this year. When Jared heard it crying, he thought it was a monkey. Upon learning that it was the same baby that disrupted things last year, Jared asked Clif to get rid of it.
"Begone, baby!" Jensen obviously thought Jared was referring to him.
Jared was distracted by someone’s ringtone, and started dancing, he practically crawled off the stage to go under a table looking for it.
anya asked several questions; there’s a reason she’s our PR person, after all - her ability to talk unendingly and her love of Jensen Ackles. She asked about Dean’s ring (they got rid of it when they had the chance since it was all bent from opening beer bottles and they didn’t think it necessary anymore), Jensen voicing Red Hood (Jensen says it’s great that he can show up to work in a bathrobe and flip flops, which have pink daises on them, according to Jared), and about Jared’s foot in Misha’s crotch. It took a while for Jared and Jensen to get what she was asking because of pronoun confusion, but it appears Jared still wants to keep his foot’s love affair with Misha’s groin a secret since he didn’t go into much detail.
...and then they crushed Misha's car with a steamroller...
Jensen did share a recent prank war on set, if you count vandalism and vehicular destruction as pranks. I guess it’s hilarious if you can afford to buy a new car! (says the person who just had to pay $200 to replace her windshield *groan*) But the Car Wars went like this: Jared hit Misha’s car and then Misha purposefully sideswiped his. Then Jared let air out of Misha’s tires and Misha had Jared’s car towed. Jensen had walked by Misha as he was on the phone whispering that the towtruck had to be there before a certain time since they were out on location, and Jensen just walked on, determined to stay out of it and extremely glad that he didn’t drive that day. The next step in Car Wars is Jared’s plan to put Vaseline on Misha’s windshield wipers, so don’t tell Misha.
Let's assume he's not thinking about Vaseline.
A Con-goer asked about the Impalas, and if they might play at a convention at a future date, and Jensen said if it happened, it would be Vancouver. If that happens, I will be very pissed off as I HAVE TO WORK. But they will only do it if begged and drowned in money. They asked about Louden Swain and everyone cheered. Then they asked what type of music Louden Swain played and someone shouted out, “Harder than Steve!”, to which Jensen replied, “It’s not hard to do that.”
"...and then I told Misha to hold his head like this, but not to pull his hair! Jensen hates that..."
When told of AJ’s tale of Jared picking him up, they then recounted a recent moment where this tiny, female extra playing a demon had to jump on Jared’s back for a scene, and how non-threatening it looked since Jared was spinning around in circles wondering what was on his back. As pippin (our Jared lover) put it, the monkey on Jared’s back is not Genevieve, as expected, but is instead a 115-pound, red-headed woman.
Yes, we can be mean and bitchy. Heh. It cracked us up for ten minutes when we were back in the hotel room reminiscing.
Since I sold my Duo photo op to gilligan, I had tons of free time until the panels started. I went back to the room and started typing up my Con report, but didn’t get far, what with all the laughing about pippin’s hilarity.
Blinded by the Stare of a Thousand Fangirls. It's our superpower.
Finally…FINALLY!…the Duo panel began. Now either Creation or The Boys are going cheap ass in cutting down time from their previous single panels/double panel combo to this one hour together crap, all the while charging extra for this Meet and Greet nonsense in which the twenty people didn’t get to ask more than five questions, but…it’s not good. That’s all I’m sayin’.
Breck Girl Jared.
Just Jensen - a new fragrance from Calvin Klein.
When The Boys came out for the one-and-only panel of the day, they were their usual charming selves. Jared looked like a Breck Girl with his voluminous wavy tresses. Jensen looked like Jensen, and there’s nothing at all wrong with that.
Someone asked about the old adage that dogs and kids are hard to work with, and pointed out that Supernatural has had both. Was it true? They had glorious praise for Colin Ford (if they ever marry, they shall adopt the lad, I’m sure), and even more glorious praise for a dog they recently had on the show (I believe we saw him in Sam’s Heaven). Heh. You can tell they are still young and pretty much have a single guys’ view of life with that little observation, recent marriage notwithstanding.
Boop! Zanne got it on the nose.
Another question was What female actress would play you? and this took them a while to answer, so either they are misogynists (kidding!) or the obvious answer they would have gone for they knew wouldn’t hold up in this crowd. I’m hoping they were just thinking about it really hard to give it a relatively serious response, instead of a silent running litany of don'tsaydanneelorgenevievedon'tsaydanneelorgenevieve going through their minds.
Jensen immediately said Meryl Streep, and as she recently played the six feet tell Julia Child, I can see it. Jared went with Miley Cyrus originally(he had a much harder time coming up with a female actress), but perhaps that is due to his penchant for tiny women? He did have that fling with the Olsen twins.
Hhhmmm...Miley or Mirren? They are both cinematic geniuses!
Then someone in the audience suggested Helen Mirren for Jared, before Jensen had his stroke of genius and declared Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis.
It took anya nearly two hours to realize what he meant. Dork.
Of course they were asked about their favorite villain and Jared came up with Ruby after hemming an hawing forever and a day. His reasoning was because it was such a surprise and a brilliant set up, and then went on about how she was so manipulative, and how we all bought it, right? Before he could embarrass himself any further with that bit of obvious brain damage, the audience said, “Noooooooo,” is this long, drawn out, and extremely annoyed, yet disappointed tone. Jared was all, “You didn’t?!” Jensen smirked and said, “Suh-cker!”
Ruby? Say wha-?
The one reply that had us all snickering for hours afterwards, and gave anya her quote for Lucifer, was What is your favorite pick up line? Both of them replied, in tandem, “Excuse me, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?”
Mark Pelligrino was another total surprise. anya was convinced he would come out onstage and slaughter small children since his convention photo made him look like a serial killer, but he was hilarious. Sure, he wasn’t afraid to curse like a sailor and stalked the stage like a contented cat, but I was amused. After apologizing for cursing too much, someone said that Misha had cursed more, and he said, “Fuck that shit! I’m goin’ off the hook now!” and proceeded to cuss up a storm. When one woman began to leave after her question, he shouted, “Get the fuck back there so I can answer the question!” Then he asked if he answered her question well enough and said he would meet her in the green room later if he didn’t
I haven’t heard so many fucks in one place since I accidentally took a wrong turn into the Red Light district in Bangkok. Holy crap, that man is like a well-dressed sailor. He looked like he was on his way to get married, with a silk stripe down the side of his pants.
What the fuck, Zanne?! Only one picture of me in this whole report?!
A fan told Mark that, according to Kripke at Comic Con, it had come down to Misha Collins and him for the role of Castiel. He didn’t know that, so we may see Castiel getting his ass kicked by Lucifer for stealing a job out from under him.
Mark did say that Lucifer will do things that will fuck shit up soon. When asked to describe Lucifer’s house, he warned us that Lucifer is naked almost all of the time at home, and if we came to visit we would have to be naked, too. Lucifer also swims in champagne because the bubbles feel good against his naked skin, and he sleeps on mink sheets because it’s so politically incorrect.
Synchronized snickering, a new event at the Vancouver Olympics.
Except for the autographs and the costume contest, that wrapped up the convention. Mark signed my season 1 poster with little devil horns and a pitchfork. Jensen signed a small banner of Dean sitting by books for my Special Education students. I asked for something inspirational about reading, since reading is something they struggle with (and therefore don’t do all that willingly) and spent my whole time arguing with his handler (no, yes!, no, yes!) as Jensen signed, “Books rule!” Simple, yet brilliant, as it’s something my students can read and understand. They love it, and can’t believe he signed something for them, even if they don’t know who he is.
Now excuse me while I go flirt with Jensen and Jared. I’ve got to get the chloroform ready. There are some mink sheets at Lucifer’s pad with our names on them.