Picture of some chocolates @ Max Brenner Since i've finsihed my Hsc and ray was kindly enough to take the crew out to go and eat at MAX BRENNER (as seen in the photo). I had the Waffles, which was like SUPER SWEET. What it was, was Waffles, 2 of them, sprinkled with powdered sugar, plate next to the waffles was strawberris, icecream AND MELTED CHOCOLATE FOR DIPPING. Then there was the drink i had. I chose the milkshake, one of the shakes. I chose the cookieshake one, which had white chcolate, OREO's and peacan nuts, IT WAS SO NICE. You look at the plate and drink and think "hrm, this isn't that much. Trust me, i could barely finsh it.
Everyone else had the Fondue. What that was, they give two melted chocolate dishs, and give you fruit variety, cake and marshmellow's and u DIP it in the melted chocolate, and once your done with ur fruit, u can either order MORE fruit, or they give u a stick..as they call it, but its just a flat spoon, and u scoop the icecream !! mmm didnt even finsh it! All in all, it was a great night out with them.
Previous day to today. Everyone went to the pools for a nice dip. That was about it
Previous day before that, I went to Kareoke with Alice..and sang..for 3 whole hours :)