Ok, so today was the exam for Studies of Religion, AND one of the topics that is learnt within the course is "Aboriginal Studies and Spirituality". My query is, If an Aboriginal person, was doing Studies of Religion, HSC COURSE, would they know everything that there would be needed to know? I mean, their learning about their own people..im sure, using what they use, u know, word of mouth, stuff does get around, i mean, how do you think all this advertisment for Cafe's and Doctors are going around. i mean, people always recommend.."you'll should see my doctor, his the best.." Notice, how every doctor everyone recommends u, Its always the "BEst" where are the "Worst doctors" are there any? Some great mysteries are left unsaid..
I was also talking to a certain person the other day, which i dont like to mention incase of legal purposes. What exactly is love. How do you know that it actually is love, or is it Lust? Maybe the feeling of them "being" there is what we contemplate what love is. Once again, one of the great mysteries that must be left unsaid.
So today, finally, the SOR exam. Good Good, i liked it :) Except for one question where they decided "why not swap it for this year" and ask "How has Aboriginal Spirituality had an influence on Chirstianiy". Usually its "How has Christianity have a great influence on Aboriginal SPirituality" . Well the concludes my Week 1 of exams. Phew, its over..No more Engrish, and no more Sor :)
Ngan Said This
ur like one of those annoying pplz but then ur so nice