Day 01 - Something you hate about yourself.

May 17, 2011 22:54

Day 01 - Something you hate about yourself.

Okay, on days like today the hard part about answering this question is trying to pick just one thing, so I'm not going to:

- I hate my eyes and my nose, and my tiny bit of paunch.
- I hate that I am so passive-aggressive, and have such a hard time standing up for myself.
- I hate my tendency to assume the blame when it really belongs squarely on the shoulders of others.
- I hate my tendency to assign others the blame when it really belongs squarely on my own shoulders.
- I hate that I am aging more quickly than I ever imagined I would, at what feels like an ever-increasing rate.
- I hate that the things I want the most can never last, and that Einstein's Theorem apart, time only flows in one direction.
- I hate my ADD-like tendencies, and difficulty I have concentrating.
- I hate that I am so prone to nostalgia and remembering.
- I hate that I didn't bother to get tickets to see U2 this summer.
- I hate that I have such a hard time learning things, even though I've got a high IQ.
- I hate that I hate so many things about myself.

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