I know it is not Monday. I had to post this now.
Mischief 07/1994 - 06/2012
I got Mischief when she was maybe 6 weeks old, maybe less. I don’t quite remember. My mother had found her. She already had 1 or 2 cats and a dog. But the cat hung around her yard. She took the cat in and she immediately went to the litter box and used it, then ate some food. My mother remembered my mentioning my wanting a pet. I took her home, got an appointment with the local human society vet to have her checked out and spayed. By that time, I already knew she was quite the Mischief, getting into…well…mischief…constantly. But she was so adorable I always forgave her for her mischief.
I ended up having to move more frequently than I wanted, but she always took it in stride. A new adventure. Curiosity never killed this cat.
They say cats have nine lives. I believe she was blessed with more than that. I remember one time, living in a second floor apartment, she was looking for a cat that had, days earlier disappeared into some bushes, below, she leaned too far over and fell off the balcony, landing in the bushes. I rushed down and extracted her.
There were the several months in which I lived in different motels. I would let her walk around outside. She always looked back to make sure I was somewhere behind her. Other times she would lay just outside the door basking in the sun. When I drove to and from Illinois to see my sister,
min8ive, I would stop at rest areas, put on Mischief the harness and leash
mrs_sweetpeach gave me and she would walk all over and investigate.
There was the time that min8ive brought my nephews for a visit, somehow Mischief got out of the apartment without anyone noticing and ended up being “arrested” for loitering and being taken to “kitty jail” (the humane society). I thought for sure she was simply hiding in a very well hidden spot. The maintenance guy had posted a notice on the entrances of the apartment building in which I lived. I got her the following day.
I very recently moved from one apartment complex to another. Unfortunately, it turned out to be too much stress for Mischief. A few days before the move she suddenly had bowel problems. I bought for her some cat laxative/hairball treatment. It helped, but she also started peeing anywhere other than the litter box. It continued after the move. She also seemed to have developed a fear of heights. Yes, you read that correctly. She no longer jumped up onto anything. She hated being picked up. She would growl and hiss at me unless she was firmly on the floor. She could only eat “pate” style canned food that was low in fat content (no more than 4%). Anything else she simply couldn't/wouldn't eat or would vomit it right back up. And she stopped grooming and bathing herself. I admit she would not groom/bathe herself for the last 2 or 3 winters, but I could bathe her (with lots of arguments, I had to bathe her while I was fully clothed: long sleeve shirt, pants, socks). She would eventually go back to “bathing” herself in Spring. Not so this year. For the last few months, she had been angry all the time, growling and hissing about nearly everything. And the peeing everywhere other than the litter box was too much. When I signed the lease at the place where I am now (as well as the previous place) I said I do not have a pet. Otherwise I would have had to pay an additional couple hundred non refundable dollars for security deposit as well as $25/month for the cat. Within days my apartment started smelling like cat pee. Mischief would alternate between walking around the apartment constantly, waiting for me to “fix” her some food that she likes, or hiding.
I have been working a lot, but knew I had tonight off and resigned myself to not only making the vet appointment, but to the fact that Mischief was old for a cat and it was time to say good-bye and let her go before she got worse and suffered more than she may already have been.
There she is after the most recent move, half hiding in her carrier.
Rest In Peace Mischief. I love you and I miss you already.
P.S. I have no desire whatsoever to get another pet any time in the near future.