It turns out it's been a whole year since I've done a Mischief Monday post. Wow, how time flies.
Sometimes Mischief likes to crawl into her cat carrier and lay there for a while. Here she is contemplating doing so:
Here she is looking not too happy about me uncovering her:
Here she is nursing my pillow:
Here she is sleeping on my pillow
Looking out the window:
More sleeping:
She also likes to occasionally run early morning laps back and forth from one end of the room to the other. Usually in the very early mornings following one of my nights off, thus waking me from a sound sleep.
When I filled out the apartment application I lied and said I have no pets. Admitting having the cat would have meant a "nonrefundable pet cleaning fee" added to the security deposit and an additional $20 or 25/month added to the rent. Like the poor cat can go out and earn her keep. Well, more than otherwise laying around looking cute, (she's also gotten good at begging for people food) but I doubt enough people would pay her that much every month.