While watching Iron Man 2, I noticed Tony Stark possesses something that I am pretty sure belongs to another superhero:
Highlight to see: Captain America's shield, yes? Agent Coulson picks it out of a box and asks him how (or why) he has it. Stark exclaims it's just what he needs to make everything work and proceeds to have Coulson place it under the tubes in order to make them level. End highlight.
In other TV show collisions, the current Dr. Who series has been focusing on a theme:
Highlight to see: a crack in time and space/the universe (or where/whenever said crack is).
A couple weeks ago on Fringe 2x21 "Northwest Passage" Sheriff Ann Mathis has a pen with the words "Find the Crack" She explains: In the darkness there is always a crack. It's how the light gets in.
According to The Doctor, The light from the crack is Time running out. "There is time energy spilling out of the crack and one must stay ahead of it. If the Time Energy catches up with you, you will never have been born, it will erase every moment of your existence and you will never have lived at all." end highlight
Ok, maybe most people will think there isn't much similarity, I just thought it was interesting.