Firstly, Happy belated birthday to
pindara . Sorry this is late, hope you had a fun day!
I started to put some family history on I didn't have much & it was mainly for my own reference. Someplace more tidy & reliable than my computer to put what little I had somewhere where I could refer back to it if I wanted. Longer story short, I'd forgotten about it because I don't check that email address very often. Well, I checked it yesterday and noticed an email sent last week from someone telling me he thought my maternal grandfather was his father's cousin. He said he had a photo he thought was of my grandfather. I asked him his father's name then I called my uncle and asked him for some info.
The guy emailed to me some photographs, one of which I'm really pretty sure is my grandparents' wedding photo.
Speaking of my uncle, he is supposed to be back down to Ann Arbor for another Dr appointment, he assumes so they determine whether or not to crack open his chest and replace the parts necessary.