My behavior while doing heavy labor is generally as follows:
- Listen to entire albums. Alexa has good speakers and the music upgrade that lets me play almost anything I want to hear, and I've always preferred to listen to albums in their original order, so I just ask her to play whichever whole album feels right. Multiple times. Honestly, I tend to get so fixated that I associate areas with albums.
- Old apartment: the Cars' Heartbeat City
- Master bedroom: Ultravox's greatest hits and a bunch of Big Star
- Master bedroom's walk-in closet: Michael Jackson's entire catalog
- My office: Robert Palmer's greatest hits 1974-1985
- Zorro's office: Outkast's Speakerboxxx/The Love Below and a bunch of Chaka Khan
- Downstairs hallway: ELO's Time
- Guestroom: Cornershop's entire catalog
- Dining room: Prince's Batman
- Talking to myself. It's worth mentioning that outside of cashiers, I go for weeks without speaking with anyone who's not my husband-- I don't work outside the home, and our road is not heavily populated; Washingtonians keep to themselves. If your life ever veers this way, you'll notice that you start having pretty meaningful conversations with yourself. It just happens. It helps me stay on task.
- Drinking Mountain Dew Kickstart out of wine glasses. The blue one's my favorite.
Unfortunately, I often forget to eat, or I promise myself food when I'm done but don't finish and next thing I know I'm scrambling to get dinner on the table before Zorro gets home, not having eaten a morsel of food all day. Sometimes I get dizzy; sometimes I even fall down. Today I had the good sense to front-load food. I stopped by my favorite Indian place, hidden under the street across from the mall, and then headed home to do some hard work on the jambs.
Current status:
16 of 16 jambs' trim removed
15 of 16 jambs deglossed
4 of 16 jambs sanded
0 of 16 jambs primed
0 of 16 jambs painted
I'll need to pick up the pace if I want to get this done on time, but maybe I should eat first, going forward.