
Mar 27, 2005 07:03

Yesterday I sat outside for a few minutes and enjoyed the sunshine. I really needed to feel the warm sun again. I sat on a rock under one of the Birch trees and just listened to Nature. At first it was the usual occasional cars driving by and distant birds. Then it was like everything in Nature was speaking to me. I heard chattering of birds nearby. As they got closer I was able to see them - it was a family of Nuthatches playfully searching for food going from tree to tree. They would perch on the Maple tree that is beside the cluster of Birch trees I was sitting beside. Then I heard the snow melting and quenching the Earth's thirst. If I softenend my gaze I could actually SEE it melting! Next the Birch tree I was under began to say hello. It had a flap of bark swaying in the gentle breeze that made a chirp almost like a Frog's. Right before I came inside a Raven perched on a treetop across the yard and began to call to it's companions.

I also saw my first Grasshopper of the year! It was SO wonderful to see that the Earth is waking up from her winter slumber. It's just what I needed to wake me up from mine.
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