Oct 20, 2008 15:21
i am mildly thinking about moving somewhere unexpected, vermont, or maybe maine. i don't know how i'd go about it if i actually meant to...i've never really been...at least not since the early 80's. i want snow. mountains of snow. maybe i can bring my two cats and find itinerant work on maple farms. have the kittens pop the little spigots in the trees and man the sugaring tubs. something.
i'm sick of no snow. and when it does snow here, it might as well be no snow, for all it's mighty sticking power. damn you, no-snow place.
i'll never do it, of course. haven't the guts, the money. it seems like i'd need to know how to drive, in vermont. and where would i work....
i don't know how i survive at all.