(no subject)

Nov 18, 2010 00:45

I got a poscard from Korea! Thanks, Becca! ^_^

Rehearsal ended late this evening. It sucks to be in the last number, because I have to wait around until the very end.

It's technically not the 17th anymore, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so these still count.

Day 17 - Your karaoke top 5, your sushi top 5, your conbini top 5.

[None of these are in any particular order.]


- "Qizi" by Faye Wong, or lately, "Xing Bu Lai" or (if they have it) "Separate Ways"
- V.I.C.T.O.R.Y (tenimyu)
- "Sun Will Shine Away" (Nakagauchi Masataka)
- "Bad Romance" (Lady Gaga)
- ... I don't even know anymore, I haven't been to karaoke much at all since the last winter.


- salmon
- anago
- unagi
- negitoro
- tamago


- cheese & curry man (Sunkusu)
- pizza man (FamilyMart)
- any new flavour of Fanta
- any new flavour of KitKat
- hot yuzu and/or lemon drinks in the winter.

Day 01 - A picture of you "in Japan". (doing or wearing something "Japanese")
Day 02 - Describe your neighbourhood in Japan.
Day 03 - Most interesting person you've met.
Day 04 - What's your favourite place that's not in any of the guidebooks/lists of places to visit?
Day 05 - Which, if any, Japanese mannerisms or expressions have you adopted?
Day 06 - Food that you swore you would never eat but now love (or tolerate).
Day 07 - Which Japanese words do you use in English? (hanami, shinkansen, etc.)
Day 08 - What thing(s) or product(s) from your home country do you refuse to do without in Japan?
Day 09 - Favourite stores/shopping centers.
Day 10 - Something about Japan that sets it apart from anywhere else.
Day 11 - What did you find most overrated and underrated about Japan?
Day 12 - Describe a fail!gaijin moment. (Where you did something wrong or completely misunderstood because you couldn't ~read the air~ or just plain had no idea what you were supposed to do because you weren't born and raised here) Describe a gaijin!smash moment (Where your foreignness was to your benefit)
Day 13 - How is daily life in Japan different from how it was back in your home country?
Day 14 - What is the hardest thing about living in Japan versus your home country?
Day 15 - Weirdest food item you've seen, and weirdest food item you've actually eaten.
Day 16 - How you realised you'd acclimated to Japan. (if you have)
Day 17 - Your karaoke top 5, your sushi top 5, your conbini top 5.
Day 18 - Post some amusing/cute/faily purikura.
Day 19 - Your favourite Japanese character(s) and Gachapon/UFO Catcher toys
Day 20 - Favourite Japanese festival or folklore.
Day 21 - Favourite and least favorite Japanese fashion trends.
Day 22 - Your favourite Japanese saying or kotowaza (proverb).
Day 23 - What is something you have/do in Japan that you wish you had/could do in your home country?
Day 24 - Your favourite Japanese slang or borrow-word (外来語), e.g. セフレ "sex friend"
Day 25 - Most interesting vending machine find.
Day 26 - What's your favourite/least favourite train line?
Day 27 - Place you avoid going to if at all possible.
Day 28 - A picture of you looking like a weaboo/A picture of you trying to blend in and failing.
Day 29 - What's the thing you [will] miss the most about Japan when you leave (either on vacation, or move away)?
Day 30 - Did Japan meet your expectations, both good and bad? What has been the most surprising thing about Japan for you, or the thing you least expected?

Day 17 - Your favourite memory

Do most people have a single favourite memory? Really? I can barely narrow it down to ten, let alone one. Here are a few, in no particular order...

- standing by the window on the Polar Bear Express, watching northern Ontario's vast forests go by;
- waking up before everyone else when we were camping in New Mexico, getting out of the tent, and having a desert sunrise all to myself;
- countless sleepovers with A-L and M-P in Aylmer, Old Chelsea, and Montreal (including such classics as "Caroub", "Bille dans le nez", etc.);
- standing on the Great Wall of China, unable to believe that I was actually there;
- the various seasonal celebrations [read: MEALS] I've hosted in Japan;
- ...

I could go on and on and on. If I were a character in After Life, would they ever have trouble helping me narrow it down! ^_^;

Day 01 - Introduce yourself
Day 02 - Your first love
Day 03 - Your parents
Day 04 - What you ate today
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Day 06 - Your day
Day 07 - Your best friend
Day 08 - A moment
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Day 10 - What you wore today
Day 11 - Your siblings
Day 12 - What's in your bag
Day 13 - This week
Day 14 - What you wore today
Day 15 - Your dreams
Day 16 - Your first kiss
Day 17 - Your favourite memory
Day 18 - Your favourite birthday
Day 19 - Something you regret
Day 20 - This month
Day 21 - Another moment
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry
Day 25 - A first
Day 26 - Your fears
Day 27 - Your favourite place
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Your aspirations
Day 30 - One last moment


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