(no subject)

Jun 04, 2010 07:03

I have an hour left to pack for Korea (Korea! :D), do various last-minute things, and finish my dress. Well, at least put the zipper in, since I figure I can sew on the train on my way to the airport.

Hmm, maybe I should check the weather forecast for Seoul? *checks* Sunny and hot, not bad! I will definitely be wanting the dress, then.

As you may have guessed, my big post on creativity is still... creatively stewing in my mind. But it will come!

On the travelpod front, things are going well, as I'm managing to stick to my schedule. Yesterday, I wrote out a list of the things I still want to write about and was shocked to realise that if I stick to posting three times a week (sometimes 2, since I need to give myself a breather every once in a while!), by December I should be able to have written about all my travels since the spring of 2007.

Yes, I've travelled that much. @_@

All right, now I really have to go pack! ^_^v

writing, me, travel

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