May 28, 2010 23:30
Arg, I need to get to bed soon, as I'm really tired and I have to get up early, but I'm totally into the designing groove now and am busy draping another dress. I want to at least finish cutting tonight so I can assemble it tomorrow!
Jamie's going to help me take pictures of the completed dress, since I totally suck at taking pictures of myself, so you should see it soon. ^_^
Wow, I feel silly for not having sewn in so long. On the other hand, ballet class a pris le bord this week... -__-;;; Though to be honest, that's partly a money issue. I finished my last dance card last time I went, so I need to buy a new one. And without the "I'll have wasted money if I don't go to class" impetus, the fact that I just paid my lease renewal* is making me think I should be saving even more than usual so I have plenty in China.
The "Wheee! I can make my own clothes!" high is triply gratifying because I'm a) using up fabric and notions that were bought a while ago and were just sitting there not being useful; b) I'm not spending any extra money; c) I'm bored of my wardrobe and this way I'm not tempted to go and look in the shops. Because we all know how that ends! ^_^v
* This means that June's rent is twice the usual, and about 2/3 of my paycheque. Ouch. And yeah, I'm good for another two years here. Will write more about that soon, as well as other related stuff.