Dec 04, 2009 00:13
"This doesn't have to mean anything or go anywhere if you don't want it to. It's your choice."
Those words, and the tender, gentle tone of voice, stayed with me when I awoke the other morning, all the more remarkable for the fact that I usually dream in vivid images, and seldom remember what was said in my dreams.
Have you ever had a dream that changed your life? Or at least made you acknowledge something that had lain dormant inside of you, that gave that final little nudge to change your perspective on things? This was one of those, I think.
While the last part of the dream is something I'll treasure (not the who and the where, but rather the what and what it represented), the first part of my dream was squarely in pas rapport territory. I was a PR person of some sort (high up there on the list of top unlikeliest jobs you'd ever see me doing) and my client was... Michelle Obama. I was meeting her at the airport in some European country, I think, and had to talk to journalists about the fact that her daughter was getting married.
Why Michelle Obama? I've absolutely no idea. While I'm sure she's a great person, I know next to nothing about her, and can't say I've ever really thought about her, apart from, "Her husband is pretty well-known."
* * *
Mapo tofu, much like lasagna and shepherd's pie, is just as good -- if not better! XD -- reheated the next day. It also helped that I found Thai rice at my supermarket, so no more short grain!
I bought a rice cooker today. No, I didn't have one. There was one included in the furnishings of my previous apartment, but I never used it. Now that I've decided to dabble in Chinese cookery, I kind of need one.
Tomorrow, I can has Sparkle Twins! :D