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Oct 28, 2005 01:39

Imagine being given $86, 400 dollars at midnight. That would be so great. You would get to pay your bills, you would donate to good causes and you buy stuff for you and your friends. Life would be so great. What could be even greater? Getting $86, 400 every day for your entire life. The only catch is that you have to spend all of it every day because at the end of the day, it disappears and is never seen again. I believe we could all deal with that.

That wonderful thought of getting $86, 400 dollars is not just wishful thinking. We are given 86,400 seconds every day. We get them at midnight and they last until 11:59:59 pm. Once the day is over, they are gone forever. How do you spend your 86, 400? Do you use them doing worthwhile things in anticipation of greater things? Do you squander them and use them on lesser things when you could be doing greater things? Where are your priorities?

I realize every day that I have 86,400 seconds that day. I do my best to set priorities and do things that should be done because I know that they are lost at the end of the day. I work three (3) jobs and i'm taking serious upper level classes and hardly an extra second is found in many of my days. I'm very laid back though, so people tend to think that I have a ton of spare time, but thats not the case.

Tonight I sat at my house for a hour waiting on people to attend a college bible study and not a soul showed up. Not a soul called. I was just sitting there, studying the lesson in anticipation of a soul wanting to get fed. I sat there and got pretty upset. Getting upset gets me nowhere so I got over it pretty fast. If people can't make bible study a priority, i haven't a clue what could be more important. I don't want an apology from anyone, I don't deserve one. But I do want people to understand that this ministry is much bigger than ourselves and we should devote time to building it up and growing together. This was the second disappointment in as many days.

Attendance in our long anticipated Mask Night was horrible. People gave excuses right and left for not being there. Some excuses were honestly pretty lame and people making poor use of their time caused them to miss what could have been a fun and eye-opening night for them. After spending quite a few hours preparing for it, I was hoping for a great crowd of people that could use a message from God's word. I talked about being authentic and not wearing a mask for church people to see and wearing a mask for the world. And the tests of belief, love and obedience was discussed. Being Obedient to God includes fellowship with other believers and showing the love that Christ has for them. Jesus himself says "if you say you love me, you will obey me." He also says that "if you love me, you will love others as I love you."

I guess you could say i'm slightly disappointed. If i depended on the people on this world to encourage me, I would say that i'm highly discouraged. It seems that very few people have a passion to reach others and invite them to opportunities to hear God's word. It seems that people don't want to be challenged. Well I have news for any of them, Gods plans don't need you. He can cause the rocks and trees to cry out if we won't. But i know that God wants to use each of my students to make a difference. And there are definately students in our ministry that God is using. But others i feel are letting things waste away. Things like their quiet times, their prayer life and their dedication to a body of believers. People putting stupid stuff over church attendance. There is nothing more important going on in this world that can be more important. I dont' guess i have stressed this enough and for that i take total blame. Wow this is a long post and i really doubt anyone will reach this point. I don't write in this thing often enough, it is quite relaxing. Anyway, I'm out. Got a long day tommorow...got a new load of 86,400 seconds to use...and I know that i'm worthy of them because of what Christ has done for me.
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