Wahahaha! I don't think it was meant to be funny but I laughed out loud when Dome pushed Ploy away from him and she slammed right into the bed post! I started on this lakorn only to see Ploy in a nang'ek role (finally) and had every intention to make fun of it but I'm actually liking it *gasp*. It shouldn't be a surprise really because I have enjoyed vampire dramas. I love love love
My Date with a Vampire series and
Immortal Love was pretty good too ... must be 'Twilight' that gave the genre a bad rep. Don't worry people, this is actually not quite a Thai version of 'Twilight' though it was probably marketed as such.
Anyhow, Dome/Ploy are narak maaaaaak together and I also enjoy ogling at Dome in his so-tight-the-buttons-are-gonna-pop-any-moment shirts. Oh yes, I'm definitely hooked. <3
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