What women can do for your campus

Oct 20, 2005 16:47

USA Today reports an interesting effect of women on college campuses.Preliminary results show that on campuses that were predominantly female, both men and women got higher grades. Predominantly female campuses also led to a "significant increase" in men's commitment to promoting racial understanding and led males to more liberal views on abortion, homosexuality and other social issues, her research found.
The higher grade correlation was surprising to me. I've heard too often people speculate that girls on campus actually "distract" the boys. (Recall the infamous BYU discussion of backpacks, where some male students said that women shouldn't be allowed to wear shoulder straps because the straps cut down their cleavage, accentuating their bosoms, exciting the boys "inappropriately".) Seems that women on campus actually introduce men to other points-of-view. And help them get the grades. Heaven know we need all the help they can give. ;-)

In more personal news, I spent all yesterday creating linguistic trees using LaTeX. I got up and just started working at it. At 7:00 pm that evening, I still hadn't eaten lunch and was still unshowered. That's what my weekends are usually like, so my internal calendar is off. Today feels like a Monday. Dissertating makes all the days run together into one, linguistic mush.

gender, news

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