Letters to the editor, Cornell-style and UofU-style

Oct 05, 2005 11:39

I compare letters to the editors from my grad school Cornell University and my undergrad school the University of Utah.

From Cornell, responses to an opinion piece about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Responses ask the writer to consider historical precedence, political agreements and legislative representation, as well as liberal bias in the media. Thoughtful responses.

From the UofU, a response to a letter to the editor that reminds us to not label women based on their clothing. The response was that liberals rape dogs. Umm...not as thoughtful a response. (Granted, the original letter accused the student of not being able to get a date with hot girls, but the response of sodomizing a dog just seems unwarranted.)

I don't miss the political(-ly incorrect and absurd) discussions at the U. Not really.

gender, politics

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