Hello I am alive but barely orz classes are killing me :c
Have some crap chib sketches that I had no legit refs for 8>
^ click for full picture b/c it is too fat to fit here ^
Also Aoi in a skirt again. /creepcreep
What is this lack of color business 8|
Yuh that is all. I am so uninspired these days. WHICH leads me to my next point which is:
(gazette-related) REQUESTS ANYONE? Single members, group, generic or super specific, I don't care, I want inspiration /sob.
Btw only pairing-pairing I really care for is anyone/Aoi (in that orderplz) ohohohoho /machinegunn'd. gdi why do I enjoy seeing this man bottom so much 8|
But platonic-pairings/groups I am open to everything 8>
Just post requests/suggestions here and I may or may not do some...sometime... <3