Mar 03, 2004 13:53

So I was net surfing once again and I found this story and jesus christ the world we live in and I must be a super sick fuck cause I laughed and found it amusing but not in a good way cause it is the bad kinda funny .
Do check this:


A FATHER is on trial for stabbing his son in the scrotum.

But injured Garry Watt told a court yesterday he caused the injury himself.

Father Albert Watt, 52, denies knifing Garry in February last year.

Garry told Perth Sheriff Court he had sat on a large blade after leaping over the arm of a sofa at his father's home in the town.

He added: 'As soon as I landed on the couch, I felt a sharp pain.

'It was a hard pain, right between my legs.

When I turned round I saw what I had sat on. It was just lying there. I grabbed my groin, I was panicking severely.'

Albert Watt's girlfriend Wilma Carling, 48, told how she had gone to his house with a bottle of vodka but had fallen asleep.

She said she was woken up by a blood-drenched Garry asking her to get help while his father sat on a sofa nearby.

She added: 'There seemed to be quite a lot of blood on the cushion he was holding against himself.' The trial continues.
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