Ziggy Top...Who's That...I dunno?!

Aug 25, 2005 22:08

Hey folks Matt here.........................duh.

Welp i say its about time ive updated lets seee whereee i left off.

Sunday ended up being more fun than i had expected...of course i did the typical lawn care...mowing/weed wacking = dirtyyyy lol.

Well Monday was the first practice of the week. So the fellas came over here around 4 and we began to pracitice and lay down our set list for Danny Bizzle Pizzarty. lol. And thats basically all that happened that day if remember right...I think i may have gotten a haircut or something.

Tuesday was a pretty relaxing day i believe, full of talkig to ash :D, you know the deal. No practice that day because jay had a manditory Target Orientation that he had to go to from 4 to 9 (ouchhh) He's working there now for you folks who didn't know. Everyone do me a favor and be a difficult customer for jay at the food counter hahaha...one of the those long ass picky orders...gotta love em'.

Wednesday was a little more on the busy side. My dad had the idea of re-building the little porch that leads to our backyard. Making it slightly larger...and just mainly making it better quality (it was kinda old). So i've been helping out with that, we started that project bright and early....and it's still going on lol. But it's a good time. Then around the usual time the guys headed over here at about 4 to start up practicing. We have our set list down for dan's its gonna be awesome...i think we have like 14-15 songs lined up to be played straight so everyone there...I hope you enjoy the show. Also that day Taylor had his surgery, :(, he was fine though. He wasn't himself when he got home though, extremely fatigued...and was clearly in pain...which Goldens don't usually show pain that often. He's doing ok now, but that was kinda hard to witness. He has 10 Stiches...on his kinda mid-chest id say, from where they removed the "Mast Cell Tumor" which apparently now the Vetenarian thinks it wasn't a "Mast Cell Tumor", but it was a Play It Safe operation more than anything. Just glad to have that out of the way lol, haha and he has to wear a t-shirt so that he doesn't scratch it...i must admit it's pretty funny to see Taylor walking around in a T-shirt 24/7.

Well Thursday (Today) was aweeesome. Obviously...But anyways it began the same at like 8 o clock i was up helping my dad do some more building the deck/porch. That went untilllll i wanna say 1? lol. Then I heard from Ash and that I was able to go over :) :) :) After making a trip to the dump to drop off the remains of the old Porch/Deck we drove over to ash's...got there about 2. Lol we watched so many TV Shows and Movies...listing them would probably be a little difficult lmao, and i have a feeling Ash could back me up on that one. But anyways we had to go to Orthodontists office to pick up her retainers (which were ruined by her dog Bailey lol) but those lame-os didn't have them ready for her SCHEDULED appointment...and had to come back in "about a half hour" lol so we (Me, Ash, and Ash's Mom) went to the New Shaws to get dinner and some assorted Fruits and Vegetables lol...then went back to the Ortho. office..got the retainers and went back to her house. Had dinner all of that fun jazz, and then they brought me home around 9 :( but i have a ggrrrreat timmeee and hopefully you did too ash ;)

Well tomorrow will be busy ONCE again, but insanely fun. Dan's Party always is! I'll be getting up to work on the deck/porch mmorrreeeee and then around Noon i think the guys will be heading over here. We'll polish off some songs that we're worried about and all that fun stuff. The only chore will be packing EVERYTHINg up and having to load it all into the cars. lol then trucking it over to dan's place. That will happen a good 2 hours ahead of time. Lol. Anyways Dan's Party is tomorrow i'll put the info at the bottom of this entry so you folks all make it there! I'll probably update sometime soon sending in the report of our show and danny b's party. So im gonna go talk to ash some more and drink this Iced Coffee...hope to see you all at Dan's Party lol...! Later dudes.

I <3 Asshhhhhhh <3 :)

...She's Just the girl im looking for... (x 100)lol

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


oh yeah...

Dan Bateson's Pool Party!!!
Friday, August 26th
Starts At 7:00pm, Ends: 11:00 - 11:30 not sure.
Be There!! Bring Your Bathing Suit! And anything from school You may have forgotten to burn at the first party!
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