(no subject)

May 08, 2005 20:02

So hmm.. lots has been going on lately. Some good, some bad. Meh, what can you do?

So, drama is stupid, and is making me see who my real friends are.. it's not so bad though, at least I know the truth out some stuff. As said by one of my "favorites":

"..we're in highschool,
we don't need to be liked by everyone but no matter"

she's got a point. So yeah onto other things...

Softball is going pretty well, we are like 3-8, but this next stretch of games is going to be a good one...i'm guessing we're gonna win most of the. We had a 4 hour practice on Friday, which sucked!!! My arms are STILL sore from it. Oh well, my hitting is getting like 8372 times better! Woo hoo!

ok, yeah I'm pretty much all ready for it, but sooo pumped! :-D

...that's Cassie and I colliding cuz we're wicked awesome! Hahaha.

..we (Cassie and I) also like to hang out in front of the goal as Belmont scores! :-D hehe suckaaas!

..an effing sweet picture of Kaitlinnn sending Marisa flying. hahaha, I love it!

..ok so the girl looks like she's grabbing my butt, but the picture is sweet. Our uniforms match the leaves, and I looove it! (and I have no idea what is going on with my hair)

..and for my most favorite picture EVER thanks to Cassie Clough, who by the way is amazing haha, ok I won't keep you waiting any mooooore...

...so as you can see, Britney Fluery is on the ground, looking very desheveled..i probably spelled that wrong, but anyways..so her sock is down, shirt is untucked...and oh! whos that running away from the scene? ME! hahaha god I'm good. I love that picture, I think I might have to frame it. And if you think I'm kidding, I'm not. I hate that girl, and I can't believe I don't remember wrecking her..but apparently I did! Sweeeet.

Ok, so this is making me miss soccer sooo much. gah, i want itttt now! alright, I'll survive..maybe.

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