New Layout! <33

Feb 21, 2005 12:03

So yeah I have this awesome new layout!
Tell me what you think! :-P

Well, today we have a snowday, I'm not really sure why, cuz it's not that bad out, but oh well I don't mind!!! Now I can get all caught up on my work!

Last night we had indoor soccer against "The Little Green". We tied 2-2, but oh my god the ref we had was the worst ref in the history of bad refs. Everytime he made a call he would like, recite it from the rulebook (which he obviously had memorized.) Ugggh he was so bad. But great game girls!!

Winter Carnival is this week...woo I'm so pumped!

On wednesday the girls bball team is in the semis, the game is at Plymouth and everyone should go! And the boys play Interlakes first round on thursday...I dont know if its home or away though.

That's all for now! Comment!!<3
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